Blister with 10 King pastilles in a personalised sleeve.

A personalised pouch containing a blister with 10 dextro pastilles.
Personalised flowpack sachet with one Oreo biscuit.

Personalised flowpack filled with one clover leaf biscuit.

Personalised flowpack packaging containing 1 different chocolate biscuit (different forms / mixed ; star, heart or pretzel).

Flowpack with a personalised round biscuit.

Black cardboard box filled with 10 Macarons (available in 15 different colours) which is closed with a transparent mica lid.

Transparent basket filled with ca 60g sweet popcorn.

A personalised pouch ± 75 g with crispy peanuts.

Sugar figures in a personalised transparent flowpack

Transparant bottle with ingredients for self-made cookies.

Transparent bottle with personalised label with ingredients for self-made cookies.

Personalised triangle sachet with chocolte pastilles (for melting).

Personalised box with a milk chocolate heart.

Personalised Beer Box with 4 bottles of Beer (33cl)

Glass jar filled with Belgian chocolate Easter eggs.

Glass Jar filled with Easter Eggs.

Transparent mica tube filled with Belgian chocolate Easter eggs.

Transparant can filled with Easter Eggs.

Personalised box filled with 4 Belgian chocolate Easter eggs.